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How to Help Ukrainian Refugees | Opinion


Like so many refugees before them, Ukrainian refugees have been driven from their homes by violence. Following the Russian invasion, more than 5 million—the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II—have fled to Poland, Romania, Moldova, Hungary and Germany. They need shelter, food, health care and a way to resume aspects of normal life, including education for their children. The vast majority would like nothing more than to be able to return to a Ukraine at peace. They need help.

The Collegium Interntional reflects on new governance arrangements (December 18, 2018)

The electoral scores of so-called populist movements in several countries have demonstrated the extent of the concerns raised by globalization. Some people imagine other methods of governance, such as the Collegium International, a group created in 2002. Interview with Jacqus Toubon and Mireille Delmas-Marty.

For the Interdependence Charter (Le Temps, December 17, 2018)

By Mireille Delmas-Marty, professor emeritus at the Collège de France, member of the Institut de France, in collaboration with the Collegium International. "The Charter of interdependence is not a utopia, but an emergency. Faced with an already perceptible reality, it would be an instrument of navigation."


Climate change, humanity's last chance (Liberation, April 20, 2016)

By Mireille Delmas-Marty, professor emeritus at the Collège de France, member of the Institut de France, in collaboration with the Collegium International.


How to adapt global governance to the realities of today's world? (RTS, March 16, 2016)

The Collegium International asked itself Tuesday in Geneva the question of the adaptation of world governance to today's realities. An ethics committee that brings together scientists and former heads of state has paid particular attention to environmental governance.


Climate change, humanity's last chance (Le Temps, March 11, 2016)

The signing ceremony of the agreement resulting from the COP 21, concluded on December 12 in Paris, took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York. What if the climate emergency was the ideal opening to finally think and above all act differently at the planetary level?


We must take the measure of the dazzling change underway (Le Temps, March 10, 2016)

THE INTERNATIONAL COLLEGIUM, chaired by former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard, held a Conference in Geneva on March 15, 2016 in conjunction with the United Nations office. This article appeared on this occasion in the newspaper "Le Temps".


Zlatan or this shitty world (Liberation, April 8, 2015)

During a recent exchange with the Director General of the United Nations in Geneva, the latter was alarmed by the catastrophic situation in the world. Referring to the complexity of crises and the many hotbeds of serious armed conflicts, Director General Michael Moller was concerned about a certain disrespect for international law, a form of contempt for the rules of the game.


Meeting of the Collegium in Trouville. Michel Rocard, experience serving the climate (Ouest France, May 9, 2014)

The former Prime Minister held a preparatory meeting in Trouville for the Paris-Climat 2015 conference with other members of the "Collegium International".


The categorical imperative of transformation (Liberation, January 21, 2014)

Planetary consciousness is still weak today. The human species threatened by itself must protect itself from death by protecting itself from the unleashed forces. Karl Jaspers understood very well that humanity had to transform in order to survive once the nuclear age arrived.


Towards global governance (Liberation, January 21, 2014)

There is no innovation or discovery in proclaiming that the world is bad. And anyone who cares to help improve global governance has had work for decades and is likely to have work for a long time to come.


A new path for humanity (Le Temps, January 17, 2014)

Planetary consciousness is still weak today. The human species threatened by itself must protect itself from death by protecting itself from the unleashed forces. Karl Jaspers understood very well that humanity had to transform itself in order to survive, once the nuclear age had arrived. I think that indeed, salvation would be in the search for a new way of becoming human, which would lead to a metamorphosis.


"Etats d'Urgence", Interview with Pascal Lamy by Sacha Goldman (Citizen K, 27 june 2013)

Borders are reaching their limit. In a world of globalised activity, the viewpoint of the President of the WTO is essential. Pascal Lamy's vision Interview with Sacha Goldman.


More and more urgent global governance (Liberation, March 28, 2013)

For at least three decades, many politicians, certified economists or commentators have been authorized to denounce the inertia or powerlessness of the United Nations system, the failure of which is so obvious that it should be replaced by a more rational system. and consistent.


The Collegium International, partner of the Rennes forum (Liberation, March 27, 2013)

Exactly ten years ago, on April 2, the members of the Collegium International were officially presented in Brussels, before the European Parliament. Founded a year earlier by Michel Rocard (photo DR) and Milan Kucan, then president of Slovenia, the Collegium was built on an international dimension, around personalities such as Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former president of Brazil, Alpha Oumar Konaré , former president of Mali or Mary Robinson, former president of Ireland and High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN.


Towards another economy (Liberation, March 22, 2013)

By Nicolas Bordas, Bernard Miyet and René Passet, members of the Collegium International.

Three members of the prestigious Collegium International chaired by Michel Rocard, will debate in Rennes ways to another economy. We will welcome Nicolas Bordas, vice-president for Europe of the global communication group TBWA and teacher at Sciences Po; Bernard Miyet, former deputy secretary general of the United Nations and René Passet, economist and former president of the Scientific Committee of Attac. Rendezvous with the Collegium International next Saturday March 30 at 12 noon at the Théâtre National de Bretagne.


Rainbow warrior (Citizen K International, March 20, 2013)

Gérard Fromanger's engaged rainbow. Interview with Sacha Goldman. For him, Jacques is Prévert, Michel is Foucault, and Pablo, Picasso. Rarely has an artist touched the world as Gérard Fromanger did. Witness among the witnesses, this major painter from the counter-culture has been beating current affairs for more than half a century. Until recently, he inaugurated the Leclerc de Landerneau foundation with a large-scale exhibition. “I am in the world, not in front of the world”, he sums up. From narrative figuration to the narration of a figure.


When Hessel found the "zwickmühle" (Liberation, March 6, 2013)

Head in despair, Stéphane Hessel sighs: "Ah, they're going to start over." He is at home, waiting for a German philosopher who comes to visit him. "I was in Geneva the day before yesterday with a specialist in the financial world who explained to me how, despite the great crash of 2008 and all the efforts made by governments since then to regularize the banking system, nothing is going well!" After a pause, he said, resigned: "We are in the zwickmühle."


Hessel - Morin: "Let us resist the reactionary temptation!" (Le Monde, February 28, 2013)

Stéphane Hessel and Edgar Morin: two resistance fighters, two temperaments, two key figures of commitment. The former diplomat and the sociologist met on July 19, 2011, at the Theater of Ideas, the cycle of intellectual meetings of the Festival d'Avignon. Lively, serious, alert and cheerful, they gave that day some reasons to hope, despite the global crisis, some reasons to believe in politics despite all the disillusions to which the reign of the cynics led us. As gunslingers of thought, they even attacked the new right-wing reactionary forces as the dead ends of a progressivism of denial.


The fall of the tour monde (Citizen K International, December 21, 2012)

Faced with the powerlessness of sovereign states, Michel Rocard calls for global governance. Interview with Sacha Goldman.


Towards the metamorphosis of national sovereignty (Liberation, April 24, 2012)

by Mireille Delmas-Marty

Contrary to popular belief, current globalization heralds neither the disappearance nor even the weakening of national sovereignty, but its metamorphosis. More than ever, we need States that are sufficiently organized to put in place the necessary solidarity.


Rethinking global governance (Nouvel Observateur, April 19 - 25, 2012)

by Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Tell me your worldview, and I'll tell you what a candidate you are! European summit, G8, NATO meeting, Rio + 20, Syrian crisis ... international issues await the next president firmly.

Improve the collegiality of intelligence in the art of governing (Liberation, March 30, 2012)

Contribution by Stéphane Hessel and Michel Rocard

The conduct of the presidential election campaign in a country too preoccupied with itself, quite indifferent to the outside world and which does not know of a vital internal threat could deceive us. For the whole world faces dangers and risks which are near and perfectly vital.


Politiker sind schlechte Krisenmanager (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 9, 2012)

Richard Bauer, Genf ⋅ Ohnmacht, nicht Aufbruchstimmung verbreitete die Tafelrunde ergrauter Philosophen und Staatsmänner, die sich diese Woche in Genf im Rahmen des Collegium International zur Zukunft der Welt äusserten.


Michel Rocard defends another form of governance (Tribune de Genève, March 7, 2012)

Contribution by members of Collegium International

Michel Rocard was alongside Stéphane Hessel yesterday in Geneva to present the “Call for a united and responsible global governance” drafted by the International Collegium. It is a synthesis of a very dense reflection led by intellectuals and former political leaders who have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to initiate a “process of metamorphosis” towards a “world community”.


Call for a united world governance (Le Temps, March 6, 2012)

By Collective

The conjunction of crises shaking the planet - on the political, economic, social, environmental levels - requires global, integrated solutions. A collective of personalities, including Michel Rocard, Edgar Morin, Stéphane Hessel, calls for a pooling of human interests and responsibilities.


Call for a united and responsible world governance (Liberation, March 6, 2012)

Contribution by members of Collegium International

A global order of the march of the world has become essential. As a thought or an act must begin with a first step, world governance only waits for a concept, a rule to be initiated. This goes through stages including this appeal, launched by the Collegium International which brings together great political experiences and renowned intellectuals. For them, seven conditions must be met in order to make the world more united and more responsible.

International Collegium on Scientific and Political Ethics, (Ouest France, February 26, 2012)

Contribution by members of Collegium International

“To resist is to tell oneself that History is a permanent creation of human societies,” writes Stéphane Hessel on the home page of the site of the International Collegium for Scientific and Political Ethics, of which he is vice-president. “The Collegium is the fruit of the work of Michel Rocard and Milan Kúcan (ex-Slovenian president), with the help of around thirty leaders of democratic countries and men of science and conscience: the philosophers Edgar Morin and Peter Stoterdijk, the Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph Stiglitz ...

The last chance bioeconomy (Le Monde, June 28, 2011)

Contribution by René Passet

Is there an economic problem bigger and more urgent than the survival of mankind? In 2050, the world will have around 9 billion inhabitants, all of whom legitimately aspire to the standards of living of currently developed peoples. However, the generalization of current European or American standards would require a quantity of resources representing 4 to 7 times those available to our planet without exhausting its productive heritage.

Release, May 23, 2011: Three Contributions

It is difficult to escape the alerts announcing the perils threatening humanity and its survival on the only planet where it knows how to live. But this rhetoric should not replace the analysis of the specific challenges we face. We must first observe and combat the lack of ethical impetus in places of power: multinationals, more powerful than many States, are totally devoid of it; the European Union, which could play an innovative role on the world stage, has not yet achieved the unity and efficiency which would raise it to the level of its claims; the United Nations, which had set objectives likely to meet the needs of the so - the absence of effective legal control which would confer on the standards which they propose a real power of regulation.

The Nobel Prize for Stéphane Hessel! (Le Monde, April 6, 2011)

An elder against all barbarities Tribune published in Le Monde of April 6, 2011 Stéphane Hessel is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. It is evident that for a very long time he has been among the personalities who, through their commitment and their courage, have "contributed the most or the best to bringing together [...]

Global governance is a vital need (La Croix, February 25, 2010)

Stéphane Hessel, Ambassador of France, founding member of the Collegium International A lesson in globalization par excellence, no state is today able to enforce a world order and impose the essential global regulations. We must therefore work with alternative organizational models to hegemony. Nobel Prize or not, the President of the United States [...]

Project of a Charter for World Governance (La Croix, December 17, 2009)

1. We have entered a new era - an era of global angst and worry, pressed by the brutal urgency of the now, and the need to act without delay. The hope of turning the tide cannot be rooted in traditional reflexes. Now is the time for [...]

Supra-national identity - interview with Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Citizen K International, December 4, 2009)

Interview conducted by Sacha Goldman *. Photos by Mario Palmieri. This Franco-German knows better than anyone the relative value of national registration. Daniel Cohn-Bendit offers his plea for global governance. Sacha Goldman for CKI: At all levels, the executive bodies navigate on sight, tossed about in uncertainty. [...]


State of emergency - Dialogue between Peter Sloterdijk and Edgar Morin (Citizen K, September 2009)

Interview by Sacha Goldman, illustrations Stéphane Trapier. There is nothing more regrettable than wisdom abused by abridged reflection. Undertaken under the aegis of the International Collegium, this interview between philosophy and sociology considers the global crisis which threatens the survival of the species. The [...]

For a united world - Interviews (Gazette de Monaco, n ° 409, January-February 2008)

Interviews conducted by Noëlle Bine-Muller. The Collegium International, which has set itself the task of leading a reflection on the consequences of the changes affecting our world, met in Monaco, in the presence of Prince Albert II, on January 9. Environment, nuclear safety, economy and finance, technology and [...]

Europe must act to strengthen the UN, by Stéphane Hessel and William Vanden Heuvel (La Croix, April 4, 2007)

Only Europe can make human rights a decisive point on the global agenda. We, who have had the privilege of representing our countries at the United Nations, have a duty to remind our fellow citizens of the objectives and means of international cooperation [...]

The planetary alert (Le Nouvel Observateur, September 15, 2005)

Article by Jean Daniel. To face the dangers which threaten the world - political but also economic, ecological, scientific - a reform of the United Nations will not be enough. Now is the time for citizen mobilization. Men, human beings, are condemned to live together on their planet. [...]

Three challenges for a just world, by Stéphane Hessel (Liberation, September 9, 2005)

One week before the exceptional summit which brings together in New York the heads of state or government of the 192 member states of the United Nations, the question arises of the meaning that should be given to this meeting and of the commitments that can and must there. [...]

Europe should encourage the values ​​of solidarity and justice (La Croix, September 9, 2005)

Interview with Milan Kucan. You are taking part in the “Interdependence Day” organized in Paris on September 12th. What is the objective of this event? Milan Kucan: The most important thing is to raise awareness about the importance of interdependence [...]


A worldwide responsibility (Liberation, September 24, 2004)

Messrs. President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry. On November 2, one of you will be elected President of the United States. Because of the power wielded by your great country far beyond its borders, billions of women and men who are [...]

NGO news: The flexible way of power, by Michel Rocard (UN Chronicals, 2003)

Michel Rocard, co-president of the new International Collegium for Ethics, Politics and Science and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Collegium Association (, was Prime Minister of France and is currently President of the Commission cultural affairs and information of the European Parliament. Here are excerpts from his phone conversation with Russell Taylor from [...]


Collegium international éthique, by Simone Bouilleu (UN Special, n ° 620, July-August 2003)

On the occasion of the G8 summit, a few founders of the Collegium international éthique met in Geneva. Launched only a few months ago, this institution has many personalities who have assumed many responsibilities in their respective countries, notably Ms. [...]

The lost European voice, by Milan Kucan (Liberation, February 28, 2003)

“Europe remains divided, perhaps more than before the fall of the Wall, and the biggest victims are precisely the countries which already suffered from the Cold War.” The grayness of the years, in our memory, has not yet veiled the animated images of the crowds [...]


We Need a New Sense of Shared Ethics (Herald Tribune, February 2, 2002)

Flora Lewis. There is an underlying link between the great shocks that brought down two power houses of capitalism, the World Trade Center and Enron, and that reminded us how vulnerable the West is, even in the aspects of the modern world that it dominates. These shocks oblige an effort to [...]

Michel Rocard or the ethical conspiracy (Expansion, November 2002)

By Guy Mettan, Executive Director of the Swiss Press Club. At 72 years old, the former French prime minister has lost none of his gossip and his activist passion. He is continuing his mandate as MEP. But above all, alongside Slovenian President Milan Kucan, he took [...]


Building a global, intellectual and ethical “third space” (Transversales, November-December 2001 issue)

For several months, statesmen and intellectuals, gathered at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, have been reflecting on the consequences of the changes affecting our societies. The September 11 attacks, by serving as a revealer, reinforced their conviction that there is [...]

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