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Liste provisoire des organisations partenaires du Collegium International

Club of Madrid constitutes the world’s largest forum of former Presidents and Prime Ministers and offers today’s leaders an unequalled body of knowledge and political leadership.

Club of Rome was founded in 1968 as an informal association of independent leading personalities from politics, business and science, men and women who are long-term thinkers interested in contributing in a systemic interdisciplinary and holistic manner to a better world. The Club of Rome members share a common concern for the future of humanity and the planet.

Nuclear Threat Initiative is working to reduce the global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. NTI is co-chaired by Ted Turner and Sam Nunn.

Earth Policy Institute is dedicated to planning a sustainable future as well as providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there.

InterAction Council was established in 1983 as an independent international organization to mobilize the experience, energy and international contacts of a group of statesmen who have held the highest office in their own countries.

Open Society Institute works to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.

Anna Lindh Foundation is a network of civil society organisations dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region. It was set up in 2005 by the governments of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Euromed), a political agreement made in 1995 between the European Union and Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria and Turkey. It is named in honour of Anna Lindh, the Swedish Foreign Minister.

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