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Preparatory meetings to take forward the Paris Consensus project, the premise for the creation of a Charter of Interdependence. The project was supported from its inception by Michael Moller, Director General of the UN in Geneva (2013-2019), and created in conjunction with UN agencies. The Paris Consensus aims to conceptualise a doctrine of global governance in the form of a Charter of Interdependence, make it known to the Member States, publicise it and thus bring this collaborative work in progress to a successful conclusion.



26 January: Working meeting with Jacques Toubon, Jean-Yves Heurtebise, Marie-Laure Salles, Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau.
26 September: Working lunch with Jacques Toubon, Pascal Lamy, Jean-Yves Heurtebise (videoconference), Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau. Exchange on the Paris Consensus project.

20 October in Karlsruhe:
Working meetings of Jacques Toubon and Sacha Goldman with :
- Bettina Limperg, President of the Federal Court of Justice and President of the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the European Union.
- Peter Weibel, Director of the ZKM (Zentrum fur Kunst und Medien)
- Susanne Baer, Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany.


23 February: Visio working meeting "Make sense of present emergencies for desirables futures" between the Collegium International and the Club of Rome. In the presence of :
Jacques Toubon, Pascal Lamy, Bernard Miyet, Francis Gurry, Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau.
And for the Club of Rome its President Mamphela Ramphele, and its Executive Director Carlos Alvarez Pereira.

29 June: Visio working meeting with Jacques Toubon, Pascal Lamy, Ruth Dreifuss, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Michael Moller, Francis Gurry, Bernard Miyet, Ambassador François Rivasseau, Marie-Laure Salles, Sacha Goldman.

21 December: Meeting with Jean-Yves Heurtebise, in the presence of Jacques Toubon, Bernard Miyet, Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau.


30 January: Mission to Geneva by Jacques Toubon and Sacha Goldman.
- meeting with the director of the IHEID Philippe Burin
- meeting with Yvan Pictet and Gregory Licker, President and Director of the Foundation for Geneva.

25 February: Working meeting with Jacques Toubon, Pascal Lamy, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Bernard Miyet, Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau.

7 July: Visio meeting of the Collegium International, in the presence of : Jacques Toubon, Pascal Lamy, Michael Moller, Ruth Dreifuss, Michael W.Doyle, Bernard Miyet, Sacha Goldman, Eric Ploteau


Meetings in Geneva:
3 July: meeting with IHEID and its Director of External Relations Jacqueline Coté, attended by Jacques Toubon, Bernard Miyet, Ruth Dreyfuss, Sacha Goldman.
4 July: meeting at WIPO, with its Director General and Francis Gurry.
5 July: meeting at the French residence with Ambassador François Rivasseau

17 September: working meeting in Paris, in the presence of Jacque



Publication of the Letter to Michel Rocard on the miseries of the world , by Mireille Delmas-Marty member of the Collegium International, Emeritus Professor at the Collège de France.

Contribution to the book “Michel Rocard by…” published on May 23, 2018 by Editions Flammarion

December 17 and 18, 2018

The Collegium International at the UN in Geneva and at the Press Club on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Collegium will present its project for the creation of a Charter of Interdependence.

Plaidoyer pour une Charte d'Interdépendance.

Advocacy for a Charter of Interdependence.

February 8, 2018

"Human rights - world governance - interdependence": Day of the Collegium International at the Catholic University of Lille: program of the event.

Participants, members of the Collegium International: Jacques Toubon (Defender of Rights), Mireille Delmas-Marty (Collège de France, Institut de France), Pierre Giorgini (President Rector of the Catholic University of Lille), Pascal Lamy (former Director General of the 'OMC), Michael W. Doyle (Professor at Columbia University NYC - visio), Bernard Miyet (former Deputy of the United Nations SG, President of AFNU), Carlos Alvarez-Pereira (Member of the Club of Rome, President of the Innaxis Foundation, Madrid), Sacha Goldman (Secretary General of the Collegium), Eric Ploteau (Director at Faircom, Paris).

Video report of the Day


October 4, 2017

The Collegium International, organized with the Goethe Institute and the city of Strasbourg, a tribute evening to Stéphane Hessel on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Participate in this evening:
- Roland RIES, Mayor of Strasbourg
- Daniel COHN-BENDIT, Franco-German politician, former MEP
- François CROQUETTE, Ambassador for Human Rights, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Bernard MIYET, former Deputy Secretary of the United Nations, in charge of the Department of Peace Operations and President of the French Association for the United Nations (AFNU)
- Sacha GOLDMAN, secretary general of the Collegium international

Program :
- Screening of an unseen version of Sacha GOLDMAN's film "A life made man"
- Round table "Stéphane Hessel, an inspiration to act and transform tomorrow"

September 30, 2017

The Collegium International organized a morning debate around Michael W. Doyle and his Draft International Convention developed by The Columbia Global Policy Initiative - Columbia University NY.

For more information, Michael W. Doyle presents the Convention in video .


September 12 to 26, 2016

Exhibition La Tour Monde , the towers of Babel by Du Zhenjun.

Espace Jean Mouly, 4th district town hall, 2 place Baudoyer, 75004 PARIS.

September 12 at 6.30 p.m .: Opening of the exhibition in the presence of the artist

September 15 at 6.30 p.m .: Vernissage September 15 at 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m .: Round table La transition fulgurante, with Pierre Giorgini, Patrick Viveret and Sacha Goldman.

September 19 at 6.30 p.m .: Round table Globalization in a whirlwind of headwinds, Mireille Delmas-Marty and Bernard Miyet.

September 12 to 26, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Fragments of the towers exhibition by Du Zhenjun

CREATIVE DOOR Gallery, 28, rue du Roi de Sicile 75004 Paris

September 15, 2016


Launch conference of the "" site

101, rue de l'Université, Paris 7th. From 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Program and registration:

September 15, 2016

The Collegium International was in Geneva at the invitation of the Swiss Press Club , in liaison with the UN, for a round table and various meetings. In the presence of the President of the Collegium Michel Rocard and the Director of the UN Geneva Michael Moller, various members presented their views on the particularly sensitive subject of the accelerated systemic upheaval of the current world. Find the video here.

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